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Trainini German Magazine for Z Gauge International Edition - July 2022 - Issue 204 - Volume 18

Trainini 7/2022 looks to France

  • Created by Redaktion

A thematic focus of our July issue is French models from a new small-series manufacturer from Germany's neighbouring country.

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Trainini TV: Episode 7

  • Created by Holger Späing

In episode 7 of Trainini TV we report on the 50th anniversary meeting in Altenbeken.

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Two current Märklin deliveries

  • Created by Holger Späing

78 098 and another Vectron variant came into the trade as an appealing form variant.

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© Faller

Faller kit delivered

  • Created by Redaktion

Faller has delivered its hard cardboard kit of the visually very appealing Gasthaus Kupfer.

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